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Responding to recent advances in knowledge about the first arrival of woollen sheep in Europe and linked investigations of textile remains on the Continent, this paper argues that our insight into the role of wool in the English Bronze Age needs more
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01.01.2009 · Disability Policy in the European Union: the supranational level. When looking at the European level and searching for disability related policies one will find a very broad and diverse policy area: disability policy deals with health services and bioethics, education, employment and rehabilitation, accessibility and transport, housing and assistive technologies etc. more
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Bendeguz Tobias, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Research, Faculty Member. Studies Merovingian period, Archaeology of the Avars, and Byzantine Archaeology. more
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Received July 22, 2015; published online August 25, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.201500322. August 28, 2015 VIP: Discovery, Synthesis, and Optimization of Diarylisoxazole-3-carboxamides as Potent Inhibitors of the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore more
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Aktuelle Forschungsfragen auf dem Gebiet der Neuroökonomie, einer interdisziplinären Verknüpfung von Neuro- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, diskutieren vom 7. bis zum 17. April 2014 an der Universität Heidelberg herausragende junge Forscher aus Asien, Europa und Lateinamerika. more
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Summary. Chapter 1: The five pillars of climate resilience in urban areas-- Rutger de Graaf-van Dinther and Henk Ovink. Chapter 2: Integration of water management and urban design for climate resilient cities-- Nanco Dolman. Chapter 3: Climate resilient urban retrofit at street level-- … more
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10th General Online Research Conference 2008. Greetings from PD Dr. Anja GöritzOn behalf of the program committee I welcome you to the first milestone jubilee of the General Online Research Conference its 10th anniversary, which we can celebrate together here in Hamburg. Since its beginning GOR has been a unique platform for knowledge transfer more
(PDF) 10th General Online Research Conference 2008
Read e-book online Aktuelle Forschungsfragen im Dienstleistungsmarketing (Fokus PDF. By Bernd Stauss. Der Sammelband enthält Beiträge zum thirteen. Dienstleistungsmarketing-Workshop, der im Jahre 2008 vom Lehrstuhl für Dienstleistungsmanagement an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt ausgerichtet wurde. more
Bendeguz Tobias | Austrian Academy of Sciences -
Calling Time auf Oronsay: Eine Revision von Siedlungsmodellen zum Übergang vom Mesolithikum zum Neolithikum in Westschottland. Neue Erkenntnisse aus Port Lobh, Colonsay, von Nyree Finlay, Ruby Cerón-Carrasco, Rupert Housley, Jeremy Huggett, W. Graham Jardine, Susan Ramsay, Catherine Smith, Dene Wright, Julian Augley, und Peter J. Wright Seit mehr als 120 Jahren bilden die Muschelhaufen in more
(PDF) Bataille, G. (2016). Extracting the “Proto” from
18.01.2019 · Another study used photographs from dating websites to confirm that the same phenomenon can take place online as well rather than just in the real world (Brand, Bonatsos, D’Orazio, & DeShong, 2012). In other words, this bias is actually present in numerous scenarios and alters the way we view our interactions and how we treat those around us. more
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Dating Maps. Mapping Love in Online Dating Communities, in: Alev Degim, James Johnson and Tao Fu (eds.), Online Courtship: Interpersonal Interactions Across Borders, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2015, pp. 33-48. more more
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